Swim and Tennis Club

Pool Hours
While public schools are in session (May to June):
Monday to Friday 11:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Saturday & Sunday 11:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
While public schools are closed:
Monday to Friday 11:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Saturday & Sunday 11:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
While school returns to session (August to Labor Day):
Monday to Friday 4:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Saturday/Sunday/Holidays 11:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Guest Passes
If you would like to purchase guest passes to be added to your digital pool pass, please contact management for assistance.
Current Rates:
$20 - 10 passes
2025 Pool Pass Update
This season we will be utilizing the MOKO platform as used in 2024 for pool passes/guest
passes, etc.
If you are a new member you can access the digital pool pass through the Hiddenbrook application (available on both iPhone and Android) or the following link:
For step-by-step instruction for set up, please click the "How to use the Digital Pool Pass
System" link in the membership documents and your instructions will pop up.
If you have previously enrolled, please login to your MOKO account and assure all users are accurate for your household. As a reminder, the Association also utilizes the MOKO app for communications and updates throughout the season; please see the information flyer in the Membership Documents box on this page for instructions on how to sign up for the MOKO app.
The pool is open from the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. The pool hours are 11am-9pm daily with the exception of dates where there are swim meets or swim team events scheduled. Please see the clubhouse calendar page for meets and other team closings. Make sure that your email is on file with the HOA so that you can receive the monthly newsletter and updates regarding the pool.
Membership Sales/Transfers
Hiddenbrook is a membership-only club. If you are interested in purchasing a membership you may search for a current member who is selling their membership or you may purchase directly from the club.
The Swim & Tennis Club may have memberships for sale. Please contact our property manager for availability.
The current cost is a $500 (one-time purchase price) + the cost of this season's dues which are $563.
If you are a current member interested in selling/transferring your membership, please review the documents below.
Affidavit for Lost Certificate
Tennis Memberships
Tennis-only memberships may be purchased from the club. There are a limited number of memberships available and the cost is $85 for the season.
if you are interested in purchasing a tennis-only membership, please complete the new member form HERE and send to management at:

Swim Team
Hiddenbrook hosts the Hurricanes swim team. To learn more about the swim team, click the logo link to the left.