Forum Rules
Forum Conduct generally aligns with our Board Code of Conduct, but has additional expectations due to being less structured and on line:
Be kind to your neighbors and respect the dignity of others. Harassment, bullying, violence, hate speech, and sexual content is not appropriate for our forum.
Feel free to advertise your business or any others, in addition to any items for sale only in the designated business forum. The main forums are not for commerce or self-promotion.
Forum posts, including vendor recommendations, do not represent the Association’s position or policy.
Questions or concerns can be posted but if a response is not received you should email the question/concern to the board or management company directly. Most responses typically occur within 24-48 business hours however if you do not receive a response please follow up with an email.
No foul language, inappropriate comments or disrespect to fellow neighbors, board of directors or management agent.
No public shaming of any kind. This means no posting pictures of others property or address to report violations or complain about their property. You can send pictures to the management company.
In the event that behavior that is not appropriate for the Forum at Hiddenbrook occurs, the administrative team may enact any of the following informal actions:
Reminder to the user of Forum Conduct
Removal of content
Informal warning
Formal written warning
Temporary suspension from the forum
Permanent suspension from the forum