Pool/Clubhouse Location

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The Hiddenbrook Board of Directors is comprised of five volunteer homeowners who are elected on an annual basis by the members of the community. Their role is to facilitate and oversee the business of the Association in accordance with the established governing documents. Much like the board of a corporation, they conduct regular meetings, vote on issues concerning the association and have a fiduciary responsibility to protect the assets of the association. Typically the board meets the third Tuesday of each month at  7:00 at the clubhouse. Check the  calendar  for the most up to date meeting information.

2024 Hiddenbrook Board of Directors

President- Maureen Mehrer

Vice President- Kelly Delpino

Treasurer-  Vincent Xu

Secretary- Christine Ritchie

Member at Large-  Stephanie Wynne

Board of Directors


Committee members are also community volunteers appointed by the Board of Directors. Committees play a support role to  the Board .

2024 Committee Chairs

ARC- Barton Bennett

Communications- Peter Bulanow (co-chair) & Ginger Bristow (co-chair)

Clubhouse- Kimberly Hartsoe

Pool- Marcel van Vierssen

New committee members can be appointed at any time. If you are interested in joining a committee, we welcome you to attend the next Board meeting!


Physical Address (do not send mail here):
1508-A Sadlers Wells Drive
Herndon, VA 20170

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1919 

Leesburg, VA 20177

Property Manager:

Integrity Community Management

Email: clientcare@integritycommunitymanagement.com

​Phone: 571.832.5499 

 -- For general inquires, account issues, covenants questions, resale requests, etc.

Pool Phone: 703-437-9736 (June-August)

Board of Directors email:
